Unit 157 Board of Director Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2005


Attending: Clair Chisler, Jim Dobbyn, Barbara Kay, O. T. Johnson, Don Kemp, Barbara Stewart, Lee Stimson, Peggy Wiegand, Robert Whiting.


The meeting was called to order by Unit 157 Vice President, Lee Stimson


Minutes of the last meeting were distributed by Secretary Don Kemp. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jim Dobbyn, seconded by O. T. Johnson, and passed unanimously.


There was no treasurer's report.


Old Business


There was no old business.


New Business


Clair Chisler reported on the District 10 board meeting. She requested that all requests for educational coop be submitted to her so that she could submit them to District 10 for reimbursement.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


Don Kemp, Secretary

Unit 157